Source code for mysql_to_sqlite3.transporter

"""Use to transfer a MySQL database to SQLite."""

import logging
import os
import re
import sqlite3
import typing as t
from datetime import timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from math import ceil
from os.path import realpath
from sys import stdout

import mysql.connector
import typing_extensions as tx
from mysql.connector import errorcode
from mysql.connector.abstracts import MySQLConnectionAbstract
from mysql.connector.types import RowItemType
from tqdm import tqdm, trange

from mysql_to_sqlite3.mysql_utils import CHARSET_INTRODUCERS
from mysql_to_sqlite3.sqlite_utils import (
from mysql_to_sqlite3.types import MySQLtoSQLiteAttributes, MySQLtoSQLiteParams

[docs] class MySQLtoSQLite(MySQLtoSQLiteAttributes): """Use this class to transfer a MySQL database to SQLite.""" COLUMN_PATTERN: t.Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"^[^(]+") COLUMN_LENGTH_PATTERN: t.Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"\(\d+\)$")
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs: tx.Unpack[MySQLtoSQLiteParams]) -> None: """Constructor.""" if kwargs.get("mysql_database") is not None: self._mysql_database = str(kwargs.get("mysql_database")) else: raise ValueError("Please provide a MySQL database") if kwargs.get("mysql_user") is not None: self._mysql_user = str(kwargs.get("mysql_user")) else: raise ValueError("Please provide a MySQL user") if kwargs.get("sqlite_file") is None: raise ValueError("Please provide an SQLite file") else: self._sqlite_file = realpath(str(kwargs.get("sqlite_file"))) self._mysql_password = str(kwargs.get("mysql_password")) or None self._mysql_host = kwargs.get("mysql_host", "localhost") or "localhost" self._mysql_port = kwargs.get("mysql_port", 3306) or 3306 self._mysql_tables = kwargs.get("mysql_tables") or tuple() self._exclude_mysql_tables = kwargs.get("exclude_mysql_tables") or tuple() if bool(self._mysql_tables) and bool(self._exclude_mysql_tables): raise ValueError("mysql_tables and exclude_mysql_tables are mutually exclusive") self._limit_rows = kwargs.get("limit_rows", 0) or 0 if kwargs.get("collation") is not None and str(kwargs.get("collation")).upper() in { CollatingSequences.BINARY, CollatingSequences.NOCASE, CollatingSequences.RTRIM, }: self._collation = str(kwargs.get("collation")).upper() else: self._collation = CollatingSequences.BINARY self._prefix_indices = kwargs.get("prefix_indices", False) or False if bool(self._mysql_tables) or bool(self._exclude_mysql_tables): self._without_foreign_keys = True else: self._without_foreign_keys = bool(kwargs.get("without_foreign_keys", False)) self._without_data = bool(kwargs.get("without_data", False)) self._without_tables = bool(kwargs.get("without_tables", False)) if self._without_tables and self._without_data: raise ValueError("Unable to continue without transferring data or creating tables!") self._mysql_ssl_disabled = bool(kwargs.get("mysql_ssl_disabled", False)) self._current_chunk_number = 0 self._chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk") or None self._buffered = bool(kwargs.get("buffered", False)) self._vacuum = bool(kwargs.get("vacuum", False)) self._quiet = bool(kwargs.get("quiet", False)) self._logger = self._setup_logger(log_file=kwargs.get("log_file") or None, quiet=self._quiet) sqlite3.register_adapter(Decimal, adapt_decimal) sqlite3.register_converter("DECIMAL", convert_decimal) sqlite3.register_adapter(timedelta, adapt_timedelta) sqlite3.register_converter("DATE", convert_date) sqlite3.register_converter("TIME", convert_timedelta) self._sqlite = sqlite3.connect(realpath(self._sqlite_file), detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) self._sqlite.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self._sqlite_cur = self._sqlite.cursor() self._json_as_text = bool(kwargs.get("json_as_text", False)) self._sqlite_json1_extension_enabled = not self._json_as_text and self._check_sqlite_json1_extension_enabled() try: _mysql_connection = mysql.connector.connect( user=self._mysql_user, password=self._mysql_password, host=self._mysql_host, port=self._mysql_port, ssl_disabled=self._mysql_ssl_disabled, ) if isinstance(_mysql_connection, MySQLConnectionAbstract): self._mysql = _mysql_connection else: raise ConnectionError("Unable to connect to MySQL") if not self._mysql.is_connected(): raise ConnectionError("Unable to connect to MySQL") self._mysql_cur = self._mysql.cursor(buffered=self._buffered, raw=True) # type: ignore[assignment] self._mysql_cur_prepared = self._mysql.cursor(prepared=True) # type: ignore[assignment] self._mysql_cur_dict = self._mysql.cursor( # type: ignore[assignment] buffered=self._buffered, dictionary=True, ) try: self._mysql.database = self._mysql_database except (mysql.connector.Error, Exception) as err: if hasattr(err, "errno") and err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: self._logger.error("MySQL Database does not exist!") raise self._logger.error(err) raise except mysql.connector.Error as err: self._logger.error(err) raise
@classmethod def _setup_logger( cls, log_file: t.Optional[t.Union[str, "os.PathLike[t.Any]"]] = None, quiet: bool = False ) -> logging.Logger: formatter: logging.Formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(cls.__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not quiet: screen_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=stdout) screen_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(screen_handler) if log_file: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(realpath(log_file), mode="w") file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) return logger @classmethod def _valid_column_type(cls, column_type: str) -> t.Optional[t.Match[str]]: return cls.COLUMN_PATTERN.match(column_type.strip()) @classmethod def _column_type_length(cls, column_type: str) -> str: suffix: t.Optional[t.Match[str]] = if suffix: return return "" @staticmethod def _decode_column_type(column_type: t.Union[str, bytes]) -> str: if isinstance(column_type, str): return column_type if isinstance(column_type, bytes): try: return column_type.decode() except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): pass return str(column_type) @classmethod def _translate_type_from_mysql_to_sqlite( cls, column_type: t.Union[str, bytes], sqlite_json1_extension_enabled=False ) -> str: _column_type: str = cls._decode_column_type(column_type) # This could be optimized even further, however is seems adequate. match: t.Optional[t.Match[str]] = cls._valid_column_type(_column_type) if not match: raise ValueError(f'"{_column_type}" is not a valid column_type!') data_type: str = if data_type.endswith(" UNSIGNED"): data_type = data_type.replace(" UNSIGNED", "") if data_type in { "BIGINT", "BLOB", "BOOLEAN", "DATE", "DATETIME", "DECIMAL", "DOUBLE", "FLOAT", "INTEGER", "MEDIUMINT", "NUMERIC", "REAL", "SMALLINT", "TIME", "TINYINT", "YEAR", }: return data_type if data_type in { "BIT", "BINARY", "LONGBLOB", "MEDIUMBLOB", "TINYBLOB", "VARBINARY", }: return "BLOB" if data_type in {"NCHAR", "NVARCHAR", "VARCHAR"}: return data_type + cls._column_type_length(_column_type) if data_type == "CHAR": return "CHARACTER" + cls._column_type_length(_column_type) if data_type == "INT": return "INTEGER" if data_type in "TIMESTAMP": return "DATETIME" if data_type == "JSON" and sqlite_json1_extension_enabled: return "JSON" return "TEXT" @classmethod def _translate_default_from_mysql_to_sqlite( cls, column_default: RowItemType = None, column_type: t.Optional[str] = None, column_extra: RowItemType = None, ) -> str: is_binary: bool is_hex: bool if isinstance(column_default, bytes): if column_type in { "BIT", "BINARY", "BLOB", "LONGBLOB", "MEDIUMBLOB", "TINYBLOB", "VARBINARY", }: if column_extra in {"DEFAULT_GENERATED", "default_generated"}: for charset_introducer in CHARSET_INTRODUCERS: if column_default.startswith(charset_introducer.encode()): is_binary = False is_hex = False for b_prefix in ("B", "b"): if column_default.startswith(rf"{charset_introducer} {b_prefix}\'".encode()): is_binary = True break for x_prefix in ("X", "x"): if column_default.startswith(rf"{charset_introducer} {x_prefix}\'".encode()): is_hex = True break column_default = ( column_default.replace(charset_introducer.encode(), b"") .replace(rb"x\'", b"") .replace(rb"X\'", b"") .replace(rb"b\'", b"") .replace(rb"B\'", b"") .replace(rb"\'", b"") .replace(rb"'", b"") .strip() ) if is_binary: return f"DEFAULT '{chr(int(column_default, 2))}'" if is_hex: return f"DEFAULT x'{column_default.decode()}'" break return f"DEFAULT x'{column_default.hex()}'" try: column_default = column_default.decode() except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): pass if column_default is None: return "" if isinstance(column_default, bool): if column_type == "BOOLEAN" and sqlite3.sqlite_version >= "3.23.0": if column_default: return "DEFAULT(TRUE)" return "DEFAULT(FALSE)" return f"DEFAULT '{int(column_default)}'" if isinstance(column_default, str): if column_extra in {"DEFAULT_GENERATED", "default_generated"}: if column_default.upper() in { "CURRENT_TIME", "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", }: return f"DEFAULT {column_default.upper()}" for charset_introducer in CHARSET_INTRODUCERS: if column_default.startswith(charset_introducer): is_binary = False is_hex = False for b_prefix in ("B", "b"): if column_default.startswith(rf"{charset_introducer} {b_prefix}\'"): is_binary = True break for x_prefix in ("X", "x"): if column_default.startswith(rf"{charset_introducer} {x_prefix}\'"): is_hex = True break column_default = ( column_default.replace(charset_introducer, "") .replace(r"x\'", "") .replace(r"X\'", "") .replace(r"b\'", "") .replace(r"B\'", "") .replace(r"\'", "") .replace(r"'", "") .strip() ) if is_binary: return f"DEFAULT '{chr(int(column_default, 2))}'" if is_hex: return f"DEFAULT x'{column_default}'" return f"DEFAULT '{column_default}'" return "DEFAULT '{}'".format(column_default.replace(r"\'", r"''")) return "DEFAULT '{}'".format(str(column_default).replace(r"\'", r"''")) @classmethod def _data_type_collation_sequence( cls, collation: str = CollatingSequences.BINARY, column_type: t.Optional[str] = None ) -> str: if column_type and collation != CollatingSequences.BINARY: if column_type.startswith( ( "CHARACTER", "NCHAR", "NVARCHAR", "TEXT", "VARCHAR", ) ): return f"COLLATE {collation}" return "" def _check_sqlite_json1_extension_enabled(self) -> bool: try: self._sqlite_cur.execute("PRAGMA compile_options") return "ENABLE_JSON1" in set(row[0] for row in self._sqlite_cur.fetchall()) except sqlite3.Error: return False def _build_create_table_sql(self, table_name: str) -> str: sql: str = f'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "{table_name}" (' primary: str = "" indices: str = "" self._mysql_cur_dict.execute(f"SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{table_name}`") rows: t.Sequence[t.Optional[t.Dict[str, RowItemType]]] = self._mysql_cur_dict.fetchall() primary_keys: int = sum(1 for row in rows if row is not None and row["Key"] == "PRI") for row in rows: if row is not None: column_type = self._translate_type_from_mysql_to_sqlite( column_type=row["Type"], # type: ignore[arg-type] sqlite_json1_extension_enabled=self._sqlite_json1_extension_enabled, ) if row["Key"] == "PRI" and row["Extra"] == "auto_increment" and primary_keys == 1: if column_type in Integer_Types: sql += '\n\t"{name}" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,'.format( name=row["Field"].decode() if isinstance(row["Field"], bytes) else row["Field"], ) else: self._logger.warning( 'Primary key "%s" in table "%s" is not an INTEGER type! Skipping.', row["Field"], table_name, ) else: sql += '\n\t"{name}" {type} {notnull} {default} {collation},'.format( name=row["Field"].decode() if isinstance(row["Field"], bytes) else row["Field"], type=column_type, notnull="NULL" if row["Null"] == "YES" else "NOT NULL", default=self._translate_default_from_mysql_to_sqlite(row["Default"], column_type, row["Extra"]), collation=self._data_type_collation_sequence(self._collation, column_type), ) self._mysql_cur_dict.execute( """ SELECT s.INDEX_NAME AS `name`, IF (NON_UNIQUE = 0 AND s.INDEX_NAME = 'PRIMARY', 1, 0) AS `primary`, IF (NON_UNIQUE = 0 AND s.INDEX_NAME <> 'PRIMARY', 1, 0) AS `unique`, {auto_increment} GROUP_CONCAT(s.COLUMN_NAME ORDER BY SEQ_IN_INDEX) AS `columns`, GROUP_CONCAT(c.COLUMN_TYPE ORDER BY SEQ_IN_INDEX) AS `types` FROM information_schema.STATISTICS AS s JOIN information_schema.COLUMNS AS c ON s.TABLE_SCHEMA = c.TABLE_SCHEMA AND s.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME AND s.COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME WHERE s.TABLE_SCHEMA = %s AND s.TABLE_NAME = %s GROUP BY s.INDEX_NAME, s.NON_UNIQUE {group_by_extra} """.format( auto_increment=( "IF (c.EXTRA = 'auto_increment', 1, 0) AS `auto_increment`," if primary_keys == 1 else "0 as `auto_increment`," ), group_by_extra=" ,c.EXTRA" if primary_keys == 1 else "", ), (self._mysql_database, table_name), ) mysql_indices: t.Sequence[t.Optional[t.Dict[str, RowItemType]]] = self._mysql_cur_dict.fetchall() for index in mysql_indices: if index is not None: index_name: str if isinstance(index["name"], bytes): index_name = index["name"].decode() elif isinstance(index["name"], str): index_name = index["name"] else: index_name = str(index["name"]) # check if the index name collides with any table name self._mysql_cur_dict.execute( """ SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = %s AND TABLE_NAME = %s """, (self._mysql_database, index_name), ) collision: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, RowItemType]] = self._mysql_cur_dict.fetchone() table_collisions: int = 0 if collision is not None: table_collisions = int(collision["count"]) # type: ignore[arg-type] columns: str = "" if isinstance(index["columns"], bytes): columns = index["columns"].decode() elif isinstance(index["columns"], str): columns = index["columns"] types: str = "" if isinstance(index["types"], bytes): types = index["types"].decode() elif isinstance(index["types"], str): types = index["types"] if len(columns) > 0: if index["primary"] in {1, "1"}: if (index["auto_increment"] not in {1, "1"}) or any( self._translate_type_from_mysql_to_sqlite( column_type=_type, sqlite_json1_extension_enabled=self._sqlite_json1_extension_enabled, ) not in Integer_Types for _type in types.split(",") ): primary += "\n\tPRIMARY KEY ({columns})".format( columns=", ".join(f'"{column}"' for column in columns.split(",")) ) else: indices += """CREATE {unique} INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "{name}" ON "{table}" ({columns});""".format( unique="UNIQUE" if index["unique"] in {1, "1"} else "", name=( f"{table_name}_{index_name}" if (table_collisions > 0 or self._prefix_indices) else index_name ), table=table_name, columns=", ".join(f'"{column}"' for column in columns.split(",")), ) sql += primary sql = sql.rstrip(", ") if not self._without_tables and not self._without_foreign_keys: server_version: t.Optional[t.Tuple[int, ...]] = self._mysql.get_server_version() self._mysql_cur_dict.execute( """ SELECT k.COLUMN_NAME AS `column`, k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME AS `ref_table`, k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME AS `ref_column`, c.UPDATE_RULE AS `on_update`, c.DELETE_RULE AS `on_delete` FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS i {JOIN} information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS k ON i.CONSTRAINT_NAME = k.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND i.TABLE_NAME = k.TABLE_NAME {JOIN} information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS AS c ON c.CONSTRAINT_NAME = i.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND c.TABLE_NAME = i.TABLE_NAME WHERE i.TABLE_SCHEMA = %s AND i.TABLE_NAME = %s AND i.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = %s GROUP BY i.CONSTRAINT_NAME, k.COLUMN_NAME, k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, c.UPDATE_RULE, c.DELETE_RULE """.format( JOIN=( "JOIN" if (server_version is not None and server_version[0] == 8 and server_version[2] > 19) else "LEFT JOIN" ) ), (self._mysql_database, table_name, "FOREIGN KEY"), ) for foreign_key in self._mysql_cur_dict.fetchall(): if foreign_key is not None: sql += ( ',\n\tFOREIGN KEY("{column}") REFERENCES "{ref_table}" ("{ref_column}") ' "ON UPDATE {on_update} " "ON DELETE {on_delete}".format(**foreign_key) # type: ignore[str-bytes-safe] ) sql += "\n);" sql += indices return sql def _create_table(self, table_name: str, attempting_reconnect: bool = False) -> None: try: if attempting_reconnect: self._mysql.reconnect() self._sqlite_cur.executescript(self._build_create_table_sql(table_name)) self._sqlite.commit() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.CR_SERVER_LOST: if not attempting_reconnect: self._logger.warning("Connection to MySQL server lost.\nAttempting to reconnect.") self._create_table(table_name, True) else: self._logger.warning("Connection to MySQL server lost.\nReconnection attempt aborted.") raise self._logger.error( "MySQL failed reading table definition from table %s: %s", table_name, err, ) raise except sqlite3.Error as err: self._logger.error("SQLite failed creating table %s: %s", table_name, err) raise def _transfer_table_data( self, table_name: str, sql: str, total_records: int = 0, attempting_reconnect: bool = False ) -> None: if attempting_reconnect: self._mysql.reconnect() try: if self._chunk_size is not None and self._chunk_size > 0: for chunk in trange( self._current_chunk_number, int(ceil(total_records / self._chunk_size)), disable=self._quiet, ): self._current_chunk_number = chunk self._sqlite_cur.executemany( sql, ( tuple(encode_data_for_sqlite(col) if col is not None else None for col in row) for row in self._mysql_cur.fetchmany(self._chunk_size) ), ) else: self._sqlite_cur.executemany( sql, ( tuple(encode_data_for_sqlite(col) if col is not None else None for col in row) for row in tqdm( self._mysql_cur.fetchall(), total=total_records, disable=self._quiet, ) ), ) self._sqlite.commit() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.CR_SERVER_LOST: if not attempting_reconnect: self._logger.warning("Connection to MySQL server lost.\nAttempting to reconnect.") self._transfer_table_data( table_name=table_name, sql=sql, total_records=total_records, attempting_reconnect=True, ) else: self._logger.warning("Connection to MySQL server lost.\nReconnection attempt aborted.") raise self._logger.error( "MySQL transfer failed reading table data from table %s: %s", table_name, err, ) raise except sqlite3.Error as err: self._logger.error( "SQLite transfer failed inserting data into table %s: %s", table_name, err, ) raise
[docs] def transfer(self) -> None: """The primary and only method with which we transfer all the data.""" if len(self._mysql_tables) > 0 or len(self._exclude_mysql_tables) > 0: # transfer only specific tables specific_tables: t.Sequence[str] = ( self._exclude_mysql_tables if len(self._exclude_mysql_tables) > 0 else self._mysql_tables ) self._mysql_cur_prepared.execute( """ SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA() AND TABLE_NAME {exclude} IN ({placeholders}) """.format( exclude="NOT" if len(self._exclude_mysql_tables) > 0 else "", placeholders=("%s, " * len(specific_tables)).rstrip(" ,"), ), specific_tables, ) tables: t.Iterable[RowItemType] = (row[0] for row in self._mysql_cur_prepared.fetchall()) else: # transfer all tables self._mysql_cur.execute( """ SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA() """ ) tables = (row[0].decode() for row in self._mysql_cur.fetchall()) # type: ignore[union-attr] try: # turn off foreign key checking in SQLite while transferring data self._sqlite_cur.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF") for table_name in tables: if isinstance(table_name, bytes): table_name = table_name.decode() "%s%sTransferring table %s", "[WITHOUT DATA] " if self._without_data else "", "[ONLY DATA] " if self._without_tables else "", table_name, ) # reset the chunk self._current_chunk_number = 0 if not self._without_tables: # create the table self._create_table(table_name) # type: ignore[arg-type] if not self._without_data: # get the size of the data if self._limit_rows > 0: # limit to the requested number of rows self._mysql_cur_dict.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total_records` " f"FROM (SELECT * FROM `{table_name}` LIMIT {self._limit_rows}) AS `table`" ) else: # get all rows self._mysql_cur_dict.execute(f"SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total_records` FROM `{table_name}`") total_records: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, RowItemType]] = self._mysql_cur_dict.fetchone() if total_records is not None: total_records_count: int = int(total_records["total_records"]) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: total_records_count = 0 # only continue if there is anything to transfer if total_records_count > 0: # populate it self._mysql_cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM `{table_name}` {limit}".format( table_name=table_name, limit=f"LIMIT {self._limit_rows}" if self._limit_rows > 0 else "", ) ) columns: t.Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(column[0] for column in self._mysql_cur.description) # type: ignore[union-attr] # build the SQL string sql = """ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO "{table}" ({fields}) VALUES ({placeholders}) """.format( table=table_name, fields=('"{}", ' * len(columns)).rstrip(" ,").format(*columns), placeholders=("?, " * len(columns)).rstrip(" ,"), ) self._transfer_table_data( table_name=table_name, # type: ignore[arg-type] sql=sql, total_records=total_records_count, ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0706 raise finally: # re-enable foreign key checking once done transferring self._sqlite_cur.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON") if self._vacuum:"Vacuuming created SQLite database file.\nThis might take a while.") self._sqlite_cur.execute("VACUUM")"Done!")