Source code for sqlite3_to_mysql.sqlite_utils

"""SQLite adapters and converters for unsupported data types."""

import typing as t
from datetime import date, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal

from dateutil.parser import ParserError
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateutil_parse
from packaging import version
from packaging.version import Version
from pytimeparse2 import parse
from unidecode import unidecode

[docs] def adapt_decimal(value) -> str: """Convert decimal.Decimal to string.""" return str(value)
[docs] def convert_decimal(value) -> Decimal: """Convert string to decimalDecimal.""" return Decimal(str(value.decode()))
[docs] def adapt_timedelta(value) -> str: """Convert datetime.timedelta to %H:%M:%S string.""" hours, remainder = divmod(value.total_seconds(), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) return "{:02}:{:02}:{:02}".format(int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
[docs] def convert_timedelta(value) -> timedelta: """Convert %H:%M:%S string to datetime.timedelta.""" return timedelta(seconds=parse(value.decode()))
[docs] def unicase_compare(string_1: str, string_2: str) -> int: """Taken from""" _string_1: str = unidecode(string_1).lower() _string_2: str = unidecode(string_2).lower() return 1 if _string_1 > _string_2 else -1 if _string_1 < _string_2 else 0
[docs] def convert_date(value: t.Union[str, bytes]) -> date: """Handle SQLite date conversion.""" try: return dateutil_parse(value.decode() if isinstance(value, bytes) else value).date() except ParserError as err: raise ValueError(f"DATE field contains {err}") # pylint: disable=W0707
[docs] def check_sqlite_table_xinfo_support(version_string: str) -> bool: """Check for SQLite table_xinfo support.""" sqlite_version: Version = version.parse(version_string) return sqlite_version.major > 3 or (sqlite_version.major == 3 and sqlite_version.minor >= 26)